Monday, November 17, 2008

Days 6 & 7: Soaking up the lessons

A hot shower has never felt as good as the one I had this morning. After seven days of sponge-bathing and a single soak in a warm soupy, sweaty sauce I relished my (four minute) shower.

The 1930s bathing challenge wasn't as bad as I feared though. It is definitely possible to shower a little less than we have become accustomed to, and still maintain acceptable standards of hygiene.

Some wisdom gained from this experience:
  • It is possible to bathe adequately using only four litres of water in a basin.
  • Washing hair in a hand-basin is not a pleasant experience, and is best accomplished with assistance.
  • A bath uses way more water than a four minute shower.
  • A water-efficient shower head can cut water use dramatically.
  • Showering twice daily is a luxury, and can only be justified if each shower is two minutes long (i.e. half of the four minute shower allowance).
  • Shower timers are a great idea - particularly to remind younger members of the household when they have reached their shower limit.
  • Showering has an intellectual pay-off effect. Some of my best thinking happens under the shower.

Moving forward, this experience has given me a few ideas about how to reduce our overall water consumption in relation to the bathroom, which I think makes it all worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it through your week of sponge baths! You are a stronger person than I in that regard. Two x Two minute showers you say? I just don't know. What about the days I wash my hair? What say I reduce the kids down to 30sec showers each - then I can snaffle up their unused 3minutes for my showers...

Gigi Ann said...

CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! I grew up without a shower or tub. I sponge bathed each day. But, I would never want to go back to that lifestyle, except if necessary.

Brenda said...

Proud of you for challenging yourself this way! I grew up without hot water or a tub or shower, but I was also under 13 years old when this occurred. Thank goodness, by the time I was a teenager, we had hot water and a bathtub. One thing your sponge bath challenge made me aware of, was I got to thinking about the last time I was in the hospital for a non surgery reason. I was in there for 5 days and never once did anyone offer to help me clean up. I had an IV the entire time I was there, but I think that is very odd, to be in a hospital and not get a chance to clean up.I forgot all about it. Now I think I will call them up and ask them why that was.

Dee said...

Congratulations! Thanks for taking us along with you for your experiment.

Jacqueline said...

Well done! Last year I decided to reduce the number of times I wash my hair - now it is every three days whereas it used to be every day (I have shortish hair). I tried doing a sponge bath every second day but I've fallen back on bad habits again so this is great to prompt me back to that. I have an old fashioned egg timer on the window sill - you can have a pretty good shower in 3 mins I reckon. Much better for our skin too.

Stomper Girl said...

Well done you. Whilst I don't have the bath phobia that a few people have discussed I do have a thing about washcloths, which make me think I wouldn't take up spongebathing. I'm too fussy to let the kids wash their food-dirtied faces with my personal facewasher and I'm pretty sure I'd need a separate one for everything below the neck.

Anonymous said...

It is possible yes. But is it desirable? I am in awe of you following this through. I would, in no way, have the gumption (heh) to do it.

kurrabikid said...

Good on you for carrying this experiment through - it would have been a challenge! I don't know what other people do, but I often just give my 3yo a bath once or twice a week - and just a quick tidy-up with the flannel on days in between. This is part an attempt to be eco-friendly and part because I am just too damn tired to be bothered after a day at work.

nutmeg said...

I thought I may have been on my own until I read Kurrabikid's comment! My girls generally only have about 4 baths a week - and they are taken together. On the "off-night" we use a washer and warm water. Which night is "bath night" depends on activity levels during the day. I can't claim water-mindedness as my only reason - I also found doing the whole bath-separate meal-homework-getting home late after activity-be in bed by 7pm all a bit much every day. I would have drunk too many G&T's if I did that every day!

Anyway, it's always amusing when the girl's ask, especially in a crowded shopping area, "Is it bath time tonight?" Always makes me feel a bit "hillbilly" ;-)

Congratualtions on getting through the week - with such excellent observations as well.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading with interest- thanks.
I have always had sponge baths- or 'strip washes' as my Dad so charmingly calls them. I have a shower only when I want to wash my hair (2/3 times a week)and wash with a flannel and soap all the other days. I do have the odd long, deep bath, but would use that for relaxation only not 'cleaning' as, like you say you just end up relaxing in a scummy undesirable mess!
I have also noticed that on the days I shower my skin feels tight and I then want/ need to use body lotions and moisturisers etc which is expensive, and probably bad for my skin and the environment.