Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Clearing out the lumber

“… it seems fitting here to devote a few words to another kindred matter, namely, the hoarding up throughout the house of what may literally be designated as lumber. It is astonishing what a number of utterly valueless things are allowed to remain in nearly every household, and it is well remarked that no one ever knows what a collection of rubbish he possesses till he has occasion to remove. There may not be much to be ashamed of in the first load or two of furniture, but at the latter end there is a strong feeling that a dark night would be more adapted for moving—the darker the better. At least every twelve months there should be a regular clearance of worn-out articles, and that miscellaneous collection of odds and ends which can be of no earthly value to anybody, unless he be an antiquary.”

Philip E. Muskett The Art of Living in Australia, 1893
(Accessed via:

With a house move imminent, I feel it is time to heed the advice of Philip E. Muskett and clear out some of the ‘lumber’ in our home.

It is only two years since we last moved house, and although I felt that we did a reasonable job of clearing out the cupboards at that time, there are always those drawers or shelves you just can’t bear to sort through. So they get packed up and moved.

And moved again.

Eventually, you can’t even remember where some of the stuff came from. And it certainly doesn’t get looked at between house moves.

There’s the items that you once started collecting, but then gave up on…and now they don’t really suit the home’s decor, but you can’t bear to part with them. Like the Wedgewood.

Then there’s the old sporting equipment, that you keep ‘just in case’ someone wants to use it. Of course, by the time someone does want to use it, the item is so old-fashioned it looks like you’re playing with an antique.

And then there's the vinyl LPs and singles from the 70s and the 80s. (Do we even have a record player in the house nowadays?)

What about the boxes and boxes of my daughters' drawings, paintings, schoolbooks? I know I should sort through them and keep just the very best, perhaps photographing some of the rest. But do I ever do that?

This time around, I’m determined we’re going to clear out a little more of the lumber, but it's a fine line between de-lumbering and recklessly stripping away your personal history.

What lumber is lurking in your house?


Stomper Girl said...

Too much! Like my university essays for example. I am trying to photograph as I go with special artwork but works of art are hard to throw out.

Anonymous said...

Lots of lumber is lurking in our house - and a lot of it belongs to a certain Fairlie :)

Anonymous said...

I am a good chucker outter, sorter and organiser. I LOVE it and should I ever take a second (third?) job, it would be offering my services as a packer upper chucker outter declutterer. How would that look on a business card?

Mary said...

I'm try so hard to delumber ( a new word?)...

but I am the queen of lumber I am afraid..

Anonymous said... you have a Jason Donovan record? Are you serious?

I'm laughing at the mof - my mum recently de-lumbered by giving me all my christening gifts to take back with me to Sydney.

Brenda said...

This process is a difficult one, to say the least! The problem is once it is thrown out or given away, it most likely will never appear again. I think that is why we all have so much stuff. I would love to live in a perfectly feng shui home, and be free of all of it. But on the other hand, the memories of each thing is there because of "it". Like the kids stuff. You really only remember it because you have the little drawing or whatever. Hard choices to make.

Anonymous said...

I laughed at the LPs. Tom has bought himself a turntable with a cd burner in it and he's buying albums from op shops and the internet. He just loves them.

neighbour of mof said...

and you proudly display a Jason Donovan LP?!!!! That wont get anything on the Antique Road Show!

Melinda said...

Those LPs are probably worth something now!

I just sent some stuff to an ebay shop for posting (too lazy/unqualified to do it myself): books, vases, an ugly candlelabra and a few unused wedding gifts that have never left their boxes 10 plus years after the nuptials.

Aunty Evil said...

Leif Garrett???


Definitely time to outlumber!

Le said...

Rhubarb there are people that are paid to do this for a living ... you should so di it :)

if you can bear it the wedgewood should go on ebay and truely find a home with a lover / collector who will put it out, proud and about :)

I have declared the month of Feb as declutter and donate month ... wish me luck :) le

LBA said...

Nothing !
We've moved too much and I made a fortune on eBay a few years ago with the LP's and such.

I photograph all the kiddy art and turf the real thing.
