Here at before our time we love to hear all your stories. Below is a small sample of the stories we have been sent, a kind of "letters to the editor" feature if you like. To read more reader stories click here.
Read and enjoy how different, and how the same we all are:
"I live in the middle of a small town in the Pacific Northwest, United States. I love line-dried clothes. I remember them smelling so good as a child. The climate here is so very damp about 9 months of the year that outdoor line-drying can be a real challenge. The energy crunch and consequent cost of power of the last few years has encouraged more line-drying. However, over the past couple of years I have noticed that my lovely line-dried laundry smells like exhaust fumes! We live on the side of a river valley that a main interstate highway system runs through. I assume that traffic and the consequent exhaust fumes (we have many diesel trains go through town hourly, as well) are to blame for the foul smelling sheets and pillow cases. I haven't put my laundry out to dry for about 18 months now. "DENISE, WASHINGTON STATE, USA (by email)
"Never having owned a dryer (or lived in a house with someone who did) I guess I dont know what I'm missing. One thing I've noticed is my friends who have dryers tend to have less of each item than I do. For example, they survive with only 2 sets of sheets, because the turn around can be so quick and not dependent on weather. Whereas I need at least 3 sets as what if it rains for 2 weeks and I cant dry them outside? same for towels.Now I have a baby (who is partially cloth nappied) any visitors are aware they may be used as a clothes horse if they stand still for too long." QOTFU (BY COMMENT)

"I'm from the US, and while I somehow managed to find a home outside the grasp of a homeowner's association, and while I love the idea of line drying, and the smell of sun dried clothes, I'm a full on tumble dryer in practice. It rains most of the year around here, so that's one lame excuse, and we live on a busy street with much traffic, so it would seem that clothes might end up with an extra coating of grime if left to dry outdoors (but that's speculation). If I had a drying room where the door could be closed, I'd be much more inclined to hang dry indoors. Other reasons not to dry outdoors - my husband who lived in Missouri for a time said that they line dried, but had terrible trouble with wasps and bugs getting in and on the clothes. Now that would freak me out, so one more excuse not to line dry! I do have very fond memories of line drying in the summer as a kid. We had one of those ancient open top washing machines with the roller press (don't get your hand stuck - I did that once) that did a fantastic job, and sun dried clothes smelled divine.." SUEEEUS (BY COMMENT)

"Some winters I have thought how nice it would be to have a dryer "just for sheets and towels" but have never thought seriously about owning one, it's just something I would never buy and I don't know why that is, just something we can live without. We are used to the house looking like a Chinese laundry I guess and I try to keep the wet washing as neat as possible. I hang Out towels and sheets knowing the they will be there at least 24 hours to dry in winter. It just takes a little planning, and yes definately if my kids throw something in the wash that took 2 days to dry and it is not dirty, I give it back to them to wear again!! I love hanging washing out on a nice day, and if it's sunny AND windy I actually rush to do it and get it out!! Am I crazy? I am definately not obessive about housework and washing, but not having a dryer is just the norm for me! "LINDA (BY COMMENT)

"I rarely (ie once a year) use our dryer, it is purely for emergency back-up. I think the fact that we have a big old Hills Hoist in the middle of our backyard (rather than the skimpier but neater fold away line on the side of the house) helps me with achieving my maximum potential for line drying. And also that I do not have a Gloria Soame (glorious home) so I don't feel its aesthetics are compromised by laundry racks in front of the heater." STOMPER GIRL (BY COMMENT)
Oopsie, that's not my comment, but Denise's!!
Sorry Sueeus! Not sure what happened there. All fixed now!
I use my line all the time too.. our dryer probably gets used twice a year.. have a line strung up in the shed and three airing racks inside with the heater on during winter.. I'd rather spend my $'s on something better.. Like fabric??? LOL
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