Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wisdom on Wednesday: Samuel Ullman

Ten random tips to foster enthusiasm
  1. Make time for friends and family
  2. Challenge your brain
  3. Always have a project on the go
  4. Switch around your exercise routine
  5. Recognise and celebrate milestones, however small
  6. Have future plans to look forward to
  7. Learn new skills
  8. Join an organisation or group
  9. Create and maintain family traditions
  10. Find ways to help others
What tips would you add?

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Frogdancer said...

Exercise routine???
Surely that DETRACTS from enjoying your life?

Fairlie - said...

Perhaps, "switch around your lack of exercise routine". Swap the sofa for a hammock? That would make me enthusiastic!

Melinda said...

Keep your bedside table stocked with good books? Or your ipad I guess?